
The hardest part of anything is starting. I just joined a gym.

That wasn’t hard…the hard part was actually going and picking

up the weights. When you have a project around the

house…the hard part isn’t the project. It is starting.

I believe that you want to do the best for your family. I believe

you want to lead your family spiritually but you just don’t know

how to do it.


S – Start Simple. Pray with your family at night or when you

leave for work.

T – Turn off the TV and play or talk or take a walk.

A – Ask about their day and actually be interested.

R – Remind your family how God is working in your life and

how he is blessing them.

T- Take it easy on yourself if you are not the greatest parent in

the world. We are all in this journey together.

I know parenting can sometimes be intimidating…but take

charge and START something today.

What are some other easy ways that you lead your family…email me at

Published by Sean Rheaume

I am Pastor at Live Oak Church. I am a husband to an incredibly talented, loving and godly wife and a father to 3 awesome kids. I write about my experiences in life, observations about culture and encouragement in the faith.

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