Unity is overrated.

There has been quite a lot of talk this week about “unity”. President Biden tried to bring the very divided country together with a speech…the speech spoke often of unity. Then within a day he began to do things that others found quite divisive. Here is the thing…unity is overrated…it is unrealistic and since the beginning of humanity it has been elusive. It sounds good but God never called us to be unified…that is why I love this verse. “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2) Did you catch that? BEAR with one another…that does not give me the sense of unity…if I tell you that I am bearing with you…do you feel warm and fuzzy. Go ahead, tell your wife “honey, I am bearing with you.”, it won’t go well. God knows we are often not going to agree with one another. That is ok. We are better when we disagree, Why?

  • It forces you to know what you believe (you have to be able to back up what you are saying and so you need to be knowledgable)
  • It forces you to hone down what you believe to its non negotiables…as you debate with others…there are things you are willing to concede but you will learn what you are not…that is a good thing.
  • It forces you to learn about other peoples ideas, cultures and thoughts

We are to bear with one another, not agree with one another…not even always like one another…bear with one another with patience and in love. Why?

  • Be patient because you hope people are patient with you…persuasion takes time
  • Be loving because the person that you are so frustrated with is also a creation of God and is worthy of the love, grace and mercy that God has given you.

I don’t want unity…I want people who are able to be humble, be persuasive, be gentle and be loving.

Let us reclaim humility and persuasion and do away with words for words sake.

What do you think?

Published by Sean Rheaume

I am Pastor at Live Oak Church. I am a husband to an incredibly talented, loving and godly wife and a father to 3 awesome kids. I write about my experiences in life, observations about culture and encouragement in the faith.

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